Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition shirt

Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition

My child is non verbal. I cannot let him go to the Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition shirt because he can’t tell me if he likes it or if someone hurt him. I cannot bear the thought of his unhappiness. My whole world is built around making sure he is happy, painless and well cared for. It is overwhelming sometimes when you let yourself think too hard about it. How vulnerable this child is. He is really my grandson. He has been with me since he was born. He will be 16 in May but still very small like small enough to sit on my lap.

Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition shirt, Hoodie, V-neck, Sweater, Longsleeve, Tank Top, Bella Flowy and Unisex, T-shirt

Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition
Guys shirt
Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition
Tank top
Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition
Guys Vneck
Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition
Ladie Tee

Tamara … the fact that a public figure such as yourself feels free to open up and discuss being the Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition shirt of a special needs child is a true inspiration to others. As the grandfather of an autistic boy and an uncle to a niece with Down Syndrome I applaud you every time I hear you talk about Beckett. He is so very lucky to have you as his mother.

Best Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition shirt

Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition
Ladie Vneck
Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition

My child’s 18 and I still have Yes I’m Tamara I am not perfect but I am limited Edition shirt. That’s okay. Forgive yourself. It’s because you care so deeply and you want him to be happy, but it’s hard to know sometimes if he is. Yes, he is vulnerable but I have found there are many wonderful children and moms out there who let me know when my child was being teased even when she didn’t know it. That said, communication is vital. Someone at school needs to be working with him intensively to learn to use an iPad so he can tell you probably with pictures, but maybe some day with words how his day was, what his needs are. Hang in there.

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