Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep Shirt

Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep

We met on the freeway. Yes, you read that correctly and no, I’m not making this up, 25 years ago I was driving on the 5 freeway in Santa Clarita when I saw a beautiful woman driving a Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep Shirt with the top down. Her long curly permed hair was blowing in the wind, keep in mind it was the 90’s, so perms were very cool. I later found out that she worked for a car dealership and was driving across town to trade cars with another dealership. I was driving a Toyota Tacoma and had my big chow dog, Bear, in the passenger seat.

Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep Shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep
Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep Shirt
Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep
Ladies Tee
Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep
Guys V-Neck
Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep
Ladies V-neck

We were driving 60 mph when I yelled out. Are you married or do you have a boyfriend. She said no. Then I asked her for her Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep Shirt and she shouted it across the freeway. Since it was before cell phones existed, I had to memorize the number until I exited the ramp and could write it down. I concentrated really hard and kept repeating it in my head. I called her that night and we went on our first date the next day. We were married four years later. We’ve now been married for 22 years but are as hopelessly in love with each other as we were the first day we met.

Best Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep Shirt

Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep
Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep

The officer called out for assistance and was able to get the air support unit to assist. Officers attempted to conduct a Grinch, Santa And Dog Drive Jeep Shirt stop, but the driver declined to stop, increasing his speed and driving erratically. The driver showed no regard for the safety of others on the roadway. The air support unit was able to track the vehicle which eventually stopped in the area of Parkway and Lynnhaven in the Northwest Area Command. The driver exited the vehicle and ran on foot, continuing his attempt to elude capture. Officers in the area quickly responded with the assistance of K9 Units.

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