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My nephew is literally my greatest joy, being an auntie is the most amazing experience and now I get another one! But this has me thinking.I want kids of Cooles taunt ever popular Shirt. Like really really don’t want them. And that’s ok.It’s not an easy feeling to share because so many people have their opinions…which are usually the opposite.

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I know how it feels to be told time and again that “I’ll change my mind” or that “I can’t possibly know that.” People do try to intervene and make you feel like Cooles taunt ever popular Shirt. That’s not true.I want to remind you that if you don’t want to be a parent, that is ok! There’s nothing wrong with you. If you’re happy being single.Just because you don’t follow the popular or “expected” course, that doesn’t mean you’re wrong or that others should shame you.

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Muslims had moved away from the truth of Islam and high morals until we got into the seditions , misguidance, ugliness, degeneration and corruption, rather we had drowned in misguidance of Cooles taunt ever popular Shirt and ugliness and the corrupted corruption, that happened and it is still happening falsely and hypocritically under the name of the ethnics , sect, , Sunnah, Quran, religion and Islam, as well as the corruption of the pharaonic way in underestimating , handcuffing, freezing and petrifying the minds, led to the loss of standards and balances.

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