The San Francisco 49ers 76th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories signatures Shirt

It is the lead-up to Trump’s obsession of the Nazi party of Adolf Hitlers 3 Riech, he wants to lead the US the same way but unfortunately, he does not have the The San Francisco 49ers 76th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories signatures Shirt to achieve it, He is using his propaganda machine against China in exactly the way Hitler did with the Jews, getting the people to uprise as the German people did by feeding them with lies until they all believe the lies as for legal, yes under the second amendment the country can have a militia nothing has been said about an armed service as well and you do have a home guard, Hitler had the Gestapo and the SS and also a German armed force. Trumps has the same under a different name.

The President of the United States is not the United States- we are! We, the The San Francisco 49ers 76th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories signatures Shirt are this nation, not the president. Presidents come and go. They just represent us for a short while. They’re hired for a temp job and that is all. Read the pre-amble to the Constitution, it never mentions a president! The United States is a nation β€œof the people, by the people, and for the people.” We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. No president is above the law. This president has committed crimes against our nation and he has violated our trust and used this nation for his own gain. He’s going down! The only patriots are those who bring him to justice.


The San Francisco 49ers 76th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories signatures Shirt

The San Francisco 49ers 76th Anniversary Thank You For The Memories signatures Shirt




Hompage: TeeJeep

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