Thank You Memories 1947 – 2022 Rip Meat Loaf

That said I see a Thank You Memories 1947 – 2022 Rip Meat Loaf for a 3rd party as long as that 3rd party was serious about being a party and probably populist a little. Trump however at times doesn’t seem to dedicated to ideas beyond his own image. That to me is problematic, further Trump never seems to be guided by any real ideology other then America first, that could mean different things to different people. If trump plans on forming his own party, there’s a lot of work ahead for sure but he’s got the momentum, especially if they end up doing anything in the senate. People are rightfully angry about stuff and the establishment of both parties, their media, their social media entities has done nothing but add gasoline to the problems. Do I think that it’s possible, yes. With Trump as a leader? Likely, no. But do I see the possibility of a 3rd party starting? Very possible. Let’s just hope they can learn from the parties we have now and what and what not to do. Sadly, the libertarian party still struggles with this fundamental concept. I like that we are currently seeing a melting of libertarian and conservative ideas lately, I am encouraged by that. Time will tell.

Against all odds and logic, farmers seem to believe him. I have seen frequent interviews on TV in which the Thank You Memories 1947 – 2022 Rip Meat Loaf says in effect, “Yeah, I don’t know if I can keep the farm but I still support Trump.” Well, OK. If that’s how you want it, fine. But the only conclusion I can draw from this as farm bankruptcies and opioid addiction consume large swaths of the midwest is that these Trump voters are reacting to policies other than those related to their own welfare. That indicates to me that these Trump supporters are placing the policies of hate and fear  of immigrants, Muslims and uppity women and minorities  ahead of love of their farms and even their own families. Color me coldhearted if you must but in spite of the fact that I come from this stock, having growing up in rural Wood County, Ohio spending most of my summers hoeing thistle and milkweed out of endless soybean rows, I cannot find in my heart much sympathy for them. The old maxim “you reap what you sow” has special relevance at this time for these people.


Thank You Memories 1947 – 2022 Rip Meat Loaf

Thank You Memories 1947 – 2022 Rip Meat Loaf




Hompage: TeeJeep

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