Mens I Just Want To Pet Cats and Watch Horror Movies Halloween T Shirt

So I choose stock broker but they said you gotta be good at math! I wasn’t! So in anger I looked at all the various occupations in the title and found one where some guy was using tools and sparks were flying and said I choose this then! The person doing the evaluations said that’s just a labor job at an aerospace company! I said that’s ok! Some years later by devine assistance or just pure luck I got that exact job! I retired from it eventually! It was one of many jobs and occupations I tried! As a child I wanted to be a policeman and one day in the military we were in formation and they asked for volunteers for the military police, so naturally my hand went up and I got in! After 18 months I took a police academy class ! It changed my mind about being a cop! Later in life I took a private investigator class just for the knowledge! I forgot, as a child I loved tanks, you know those tracked vehicles with a cannon on the front? Well when I went into the military they made me a m109 self propelled howitzer operator! It’s a bad ass tank with a 50 caliber machine gun on it! Heres a pic.
I don’t know what the title you say you are learning is; I also do not know anything about the Croation Army (I have visited Dubrovnik briefly via the USN in 2000). Best bet is the standby “Pro”|”Con” practice, divide a sheet of paper in half, one half write down the benefits of your “dream”, the other side you should write down the (even potential) negative or not so good things of following your dream. That’s it, whichever side has more entires is the winner (but, the “weight” of a paticular entry should also be considered, is that entry VERY IMPORTANT, or only MARGINALLY IMPORTANT, for each entry you should consider the “weight” of said entry. You may want to cosider doing this on a computer spread sheet, so a weight column can be added, but pen and paper works as well if you don’t have the software available. Be very honest with yourself in doing this, you will be much happier in the long run if you are honest with yoursefl about your own goals and priorites (“weight”) of specific goals. Do this by yourself, do not have others give you inputs, it is your decision and your life! 


Mens I Just Want To Pet Cats and Watch Horror Movies Halloween T Shirt

Mens I Just Want To Pet Cats and Watch Horror Movies Halloween T Shirt



Hompage: TeeJeep

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