Folk Outsider Art Abstract African Tribal Mask Graphic Shirt

Saturday morning we three guys showed up at the title for opening at nine. By now red wagons and ice chests were not allowed, but our oversized camping backpacks were all stuffed with beer and ice. We drank, we ate, we met ladies and danced, we sang, we drank and ate constantly, meeting ladies every chance we had and dancing to what ever music they were dancing to. We ate, drank and had more fun dancing with women we didn’t know or had just met. We ate and drank until we were full and all the beer was gone. It was hot, we were bloated and woozy and had to sit down. I think this was nearest the blues stage and I guess we all took a nap for a while. We felt somewhat revived but the sun was setting and we had to get to the Superdome to see McCartney. We made it to our seats just in time and it was a good, but not a great concert. The fact that we had seen McCartney is an experience in itself.
Ignore Kate Morgan’s answer. It’s incredibly paranoid. It is true that crime is a title in New Orleans, but she describes a dystopian war zone that lives rent free in the minds of people who travel exclusively by car everywhere and assume that there is an armed mugger in every corner that is waiting to attack them the moment they step off their -sadly from their POV – not quite armored vehicle. Just as in most cities with a crime problem, a lot of the more violent crime is among the criminals themselves And you learn to avoid the most likely trouble spots. I live in downtown New Orleans and don’t own a car. I walk freely around the city even after dark – within reason of course, early dark in the winter, not around midnight or the wee hours of the morning. I also take public transportation quite often and have never had an issue – in over 25 years now. 


Folk Outsider Art Abstract African Tribal Mask Graphic Shirt

Folk Outsider Art Abstract African Tribal Mask Graphic Shirt



Hompage: TeeJeep

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