Dad Stats Pixel Arcade Game Character Level 90 T Shirt

Generally speaking, the average drow warrior is a cut above the title surface dweller’s skill level. Their society is heavily militarized and fortified. During Lolth’s Silence, Menzoberranzan faces a seige of the combine forces of a demonic legion and dwarves along with a half shadow dragon actively sabotaging it from the inside. Despite being deprived of Lolth’s magic they prevail even when facing essentially Kaiju. Menzoberranzan’s military is broken down among it’s houses, each on consisting of a sizeable unit, with the upper echelons having the highest quality of soldiers, armor, and resources. The steads the drow use are vicious riding lizards primed for war. Beyond that, their forces are also augmented with slaves that they run in front of battle to weaken their enemy.
Since each house is contributing a unit, there is a title of self governance and selection that in other militaries has to be created artificially. Instead, the pecking order is readily established thanks to each house being autonomous. Honestly, the main problem with drow military is that they hate each other, which is less of a problem when they’re united in the kill. If we look at examples of drow combat provided in the books it is almost wholly one sided. A fight in one book between a drow and a dragoloth results in the death of 3 seasoned warriors who get caught in the cross fire. They’re not even an obstacle as the two combatants cut through them and used them like furniture in a Jacky Chan movie. Every drow is trained to kill drow. It’s just a higher standard than any other military. They’re experienced in not just killing but erasing whole houses in one night. 


Dad Stats Pixel Arcade Game Character Level 90 T Shirt

Dad Stats Pixel Arcade Game Character Level 90 T Shirt



Hompage: TeeJeep

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