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Being a vet tech means a lot of things. It means being a Kinda Emotional Kinda Emotionless flower skull vintage T Shirt, lab tech, a listener, a shoulder to cry on, a teacher, a trainer….they are the backbone of a veterinarian. You can be a good veterinarian but without a good vet tech, a veterinarian’s job would be a whole lot harder. One amusing thing about being a vet tech, or veterinarian, is that we can talk about guts and blood while eating. If you are ever in a restaurant and hear a bunch of people talking blood and guts, they are likely human medical staff or veterinary staff. Sometimes we have to reign ourselves in and realize that other people aren’t in the same world we are in! One time, my friends and I went to a restaurant for dinner. One of my friends had two corn snakes. I wanted to watch them eat so she got some mic and I had filmed them eating them (the mice were already dead). So, thee we are I the restaurant watching this video. We had to order so I put my phone on the table, the video still playing. Suddenly, the waitress puts her hand to her mouth and gasps. We looked at each other not knowing what she was gasping about. She pointed to my phone. Oops! We apologized profusely to the waitress.
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Dear Anonymous: You strike again! And once again, you are wrong. The Kinda Emotional Kinda Emotionless flower skull vintage T Shirt, as I recall, was quite fond of Reagan during his administration. Not so much now, but that’s because we have hindsight. Which Bush? There were two, you know. They both made mistakes and paid for them in the public’s opinion, but they were never considered UN-patriotic. Maybe a little too much so. Now Trump, that’s a different story. There is not a patriotic atom in his corpulent self. He does not know the meaning of the word, though he says he does. That’s not all he doesn’t know. What he does know is self-interest and how to con about a third of the U.S. populace.
My wife and I had a peaceful agreement. I would tolerate one cat and would not bother her with demands for a Kinda Emotional Kinda Emotionless flower skull vintage T Shirt. Being a dog person, but in love with my wife, I had to compromise.One day, outside my door was a small orange tabby. It did not come in when I opened the door. It simply stood and looked up at me. I motioned for it to come in, which oddly enough, it did. I put down a bowl of milk, thinking I had done something good my wife would approve of. “What is that doing here?” and she pointed to the tabby I had just fed. Telling her I felt sorry for him, I felt I had to let him in. She said it was the neighbor’s cat. I asked her to double check.