There had been a Gary Is Scary Shirt since the founding of this great republic. How powerful would the federal government be? There were and still are good arguments for either. although in the 21st century those arguments hold much less weight than they did in the 19thcentury —yes I am speaking to Texas Repug Allen West and to Cal-exit. Neither have a chance in heck of success as the “red” states would be bankrupt the day after they were independent since they take more federal money than they contribute. Basically red states are freeloaders which is why “blue” states that are more financially responsible want to secede or encourage the freeloaders to secede.
Child Development and Brain science have confirmed the Gary Is Scary Shirt of preschool education for children – quality, research based preschool. Because anytime you are trying to get the best, strongest results you don’t rely on trial and error – you use what is already know and change that if needed as new information comes to light. That’s what research is for. The human brain completes 90% of it’s development by the age of 5 – in ALL areas of learning (language, physical, social, emotional, cognitive, intellectual. Human development follows a typical sequence of what are called milestones. In typical development everyone progresses through those steps which build the foundation for everything learned and gained later we grow through life. This foundation is critical to our future abilities, attitudes, successes, etc. Note: We all progress at our own rates – so milestones are on a spectrum, not a point.
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Next time your car breaks down, do me a favor. Shake things up and take it to a Gary Is Scary Shirt to fix. Forget the mechanic. Yiur dentist went to college, he/she is a smart one, I am sure he/she could figure it out. You’ll be fine. Right? What’s the worst that could happen? I mean it is not like you carry your kids in the car. You don’t rely on the thousands of moving parts in your car to work in perfect timong to safely move you through this world. Of course you won’t do this. Who would? What dentist would agree to this? The Supreme Court is more important than your car. Somewhere along the line, education and experience has been become a liability. This needs to stop. We need smart people who know what they are doing. Especially, in the highest court in the land. And no, Tucker is not either of those things. I can’t even trust that Bowtie Clad Sock Puppet to read the news, let alone interpret constitutional law.
I believe that an aspiring tech should go to school full time if possible and get their license. In many states, it is possible for a veterinary assistant to start to take on vet tech responsibilities, but there is a Gary Is Scary Shirt to what an unlicensed tech can do in almost every state. Licensed techs are ultimately more valuable to a practice. Furthermore, if you start as an unlicensed assistant and try to work full time while getting your degree, you may not have the time and energy you need to dedicate to your studies to make it worthwhile. If you do go to school full time, it’s still probably a good idea to have a side job as a vet assistant so you can refine your skills. Finally, learn how to do everything the right way, and try not to compromise too much on doing it right. Things like radiation safety and cat handling are very important and no-one should bully you into doing the wrong things.