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The one which really *is* a continuity error, which not even I and the gals at Loose Canon can resolve, concerns the Corey Lajoie Really Good Race Car Driver Shirt flight to the Ministry at the end of OotP. At one point we’re told that it is 5pm. If you look at all the things which happen between this point and their mounting the Thestrals, it’s pretty much impossible to make this later scene be any later than 7:30pm. Then they take off *into the sunset*, and the fact that it really is sunset is emphasised. “They burst through the topmost branches of the trees and soared out into a blood-red sunset”, and not long afterwards “Twilight fell: the sky was turning to a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars, and soon only the lights of Muggle towns gave them any clue of how far from the ground they were”. But here’s the thing. Hogwarts is meant to be in the Scottish Highlands, and this scene takes place in mid June. Even allowing for the fact that Hogwarts is surrounded by mountains, sunset wouldn’t be till about 10pm, and unless it was very overcast (which it isn’t, since they can see stars) it wouldn’t get very dark even after sunset.

My father didn’t really buy Christmas gifts. He would usually just sign his name to the Corey Lajoie Really Good Race Car Driver Shirt my mom picked out. Also, he vocally disapproved of my voracious reading habits (both the frequency and the content). One year for Christmas, there was a gift for me “from Dad”. It was a book. It was a book by one of my then-favorite authors, in my preferred genre (she wrote in a few different genres) and that I did not already have. The book was awful. But the fact that it was a gift he picked out himself, and that he knew enough about my reading habits and book collection, and that he contributed to a pastime that he disapproved of, made it a wonderful gift.
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This is around the Corey Lajoie Really Good Race Car Driver Shirt they will begin realizing that religion doesn’t add up if they were brought up In one. Santa Claus Eleven ELF Squad shirt. Every time my older sister and I decide the whole thing was BS she would pull a new brilliant stunt, reindeer horns jammed in a bicycle seat one year, always giant sooty foot prints, dolls. And electronics rigged to start spitting the second you even walked in the room. My mother was the magic. Yeah but at age 11 shouldn’t it have seemed a bit illogical? Idk maybe you grew up in a different time when schooling wasn’t as good as it is today. Though I feel like logic is an IQ thing. he only reason I keep it going is that I remember how much fun it was waiting for Santa or trying to catch sight of him at night.

I own several Ringo albums and singles. I really do love his voice. His lack of a Corey Lajoie Really Good Race Car Driver Shirt doesn’t bother me because he sounds great just where is range is. But that does limit the material he can do. I always thought he would have had more success if he did more recordings like Beaucoups of Blues. His voice is best suited for country music. Plus he loves country music! (Probably not current country music, though!) The thing is, without the Beatles, I wouldn’t have had much of an introduction to him. I grew up in the ’70s when Beatles music was a bit retro, and not on my radio stations all that often. That was the only exposure I had to the Beatles, until John’s assassination in 1980. That sadly is what really led me to get to know the group. Now, with no Beatles, I assume Ringo’s solo time in the spotlight would have still been the ’60s and ‘70s. So my only exposure to him would have been as a child in the ‘70s. I wasn’t much of a record buyer then. And by the early ‘90s, I’d completely shut down to music. So I would have grown up largely not knowing Ringo at all. But my husband did, and by extension so did I, play almost exclusively Johnny Cash, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Bowie, and Beatles as our girls were growing up from 2007ish on. No stupid nursery rhymes for my girls!