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Oktoberfest German Drinking Eins Zwei Drei

If you had concentrated on playing football and not politics, you would still be playing for Real Madrid, and Germany may not have been out in the 1st round! Remember, you are (almost) axed from Oktoberfest German Drinking Eins Zwei Drei T-Shirt with the same issues – and that takes a lot of caliber! So don’t you pull that “racism” bs on this.

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Easily-manipulated American liberals commenting on how “racist” Germany is. He has been playing badly for years, finds more connection to Oktoberfest German Drinking Eins Zwei Drei T-Shirt some consequence – knows he will not be drafted in the national team again due to poor results, and chooses to leave with contemptuous remarks on his team and naturalised country.

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He experienced so much racism in his life growing up in Germany and being supported here in many ways that Oktoberfest German Drinking Eins Zwei Drei T-Shirt. He is essentially as hypocritical as the German football association blaming him unfairly for a poor tournament. By the life of mine, I cannot understand how one can feel sorry for him. I am sure he and his grandios advisors are living the dream and can get a free stay at Erdogan’s Palace!

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