Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m an asshole it’s what I do T-Shirt

Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I'm an asshole it's what I do

First some snarky thoughts of how jealous the girls companion must’ve been, next was oh how sweet that quickly changed to how frightening this is. That poor girl could’ve experienced her Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m an asshole it’s what I do T-Shirt of life in this awful situation. And it could’ve ended that way had the situation continued. Despite her smile, you know she and her troupe were frightened as hell.

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Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I'm an asshole it's what I do
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Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I'm an asshole it's what I do
Guys v-neck
Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I'm an asshole it's what I do
Ladies v-neck

I looked this up on Reddit and the female orangutan jester’s to the human woman with Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m an asshole it’s what I do T-Shirt by pointing to the baby and she mimics a kiss. The people around surmised the orangutan wanted to hold and kiss the human baby. So it is possible the primate and human can bond over motherhood. I will keep on looking this up.

Best Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m an asshole it’s what I do T-Shirt

Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I'm an asshole it's what I do
Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I'm an asshole it's what I do

An orangutan has maybe 4 times normal human strenght but it’s only using his fingers, if you use 2 arms you are a lot stronger than 4 times his fingers strenght. For all of Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m an asshole it’s what I do T-Shirt acting like it’s humans fault it means so that if a dear jumps on a car and dies it’s it fault. It’s nobody’s fault and if one day an orangutan tries to hurt me I will hurt him more because that’s how nature works.

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