Merry christmas flamingo Shirt

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I live in daviess county and didn’t know the couple very well, but knew they’re both great people. It was devastating when he died, and many people knew how hard it would be Merry christmas flamingo Shirt for her to go on. She had no idea this was going to happen so don’t call her an attention seeker. She’s a genuine soul and I wish the best for her. Couldn’t imagine that pain.

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I so feel her pain as I too loss my fiance a year ago to a sudden illness that came like Merry christmas flamingo Shirt a theif in the night. We were to be married the following year. I fully understand her doing what she did. It’s her way of healing the pain of her soul. My condolences to her.

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I have lost a boyfriend. We weren’t getting married but I completely understand why this lady has done this. It’s not easy to lose a Merry christmas flamingo Shirt of your heart. Don’t judge her until you have lost the love of your life. If you haven’t you really haven’t got a clue.

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