DeAngelo Lemieux 20 Shirt

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I for one, as a BoE member, appreciate all you have said… I believe in u and your passion for kids. The world hands education systems the by-products of their many dysfunctional mores, forgotten people held in marginal existences and children of DeAngelo Lemieux 20 Shirt. Be strong my friend and know you are affecting many more than u think. I so apologize for legislators who pass laws on an institution and process they know little about out of anger and frustration from other issues. This teacher is a hero we have no holiday for norvdo we construct billboards extolling their importance… A travesty to be sure… The little I can offer u is my humble respect and admiration!

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When you find that new career please share it with me. I’m so tired of being tired, working endless hours only to be told it’s not good enough, putting my all into teaching children who don’t want to learn or struggle so much because the curriculum is three levels too high for DeAngelo Lemieux 20 Shirt what they should have in first second or third grade. But at the end of it all my performance is based on student achievement and percentage of students that increase on a test they take in the fall and then in the winter. Really…not even a full years growth but 4 months. Sad and true.

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