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Now accountings of wealth do not always have to include every possible type ofย Clark Griswold Rant Christmas Vacation T Shirtย of wealth. You can do accountings of all the wealth, or any portion of it, any category of it. And when one is doing calculations of a given amount of any type or category of wealth, those valuations may vary widely depending of the method used, and of course, subjectivity can always play a significant role. I bring this up just to mention even though I categorize money as a form of wealth*, when someone is doing an accounting of wealth, they could exclude that category, if so inclined. I do consider money as part of the total wealth, as a store of wealth, and something that enhances transactions as a medium of exchange. However, I understand that we would not exist if the only form of wealth that existed was money. So I think it is quite reasonable, if one was trying to get a measure of wealth that contributes to standard of living and quality of life, for someone to do an accounting of all the wealth other than, that is excluding, the value of the money in the money supply.