Apollo XI 50th Anniversary shirt

Aunt and Nephew a bond that can't be broken

I’m sharing this because it helps me to remember that we were once a nation united in the Apollo XI 50th Anniversary shirt, which is much better than being split apart over political beliefs, the way it is today. I was in a summer science program at Beaumont, another wonderful project supported by the national science Institute, and we all watched the landing, along with walter kronkite.Β 

Apollo XI 50th Anniversary shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Aunt and Nephew a bond that can't be broken
Guys shirt
Aunt and Nephew a bond that can't be broken
Ladies tee
Apollo XI 50th Anniversary
Guys v-neck
Aunt and Nephew a bond that can't be broken
Ladies v-neck

I was working as a civilian librarian with the 7th infantry division in south korea. On that day I was traveling in a van with an Apollo XI 50th Anniversary shirt to some of the libraries I supervised. We got stuck in a rice paddy, and the only radio station we could pick up was from north korea probably the only station in the world that wasn’t covering the moon landing .

Best Apollo XI 50th Anniversary shirt

Aunt and Nephew a bond that can't be broken
Apollo XI 50th Anniversary

I recall my parents, my little brother and I gathering before the Apollo XI 50th Anniversary shirt to witness this thrilling and unbelievable event which would virtually change the human experience of the distant moon and universe for the first time in human history. I was a little girl and just starting to imagine that I could be an astronaut someday. I guess many of us had that wish.

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