Oh Canada we will never get over it shirt
I only watched the show for the first time because Will Arnett was a voice in it. The View From Oh Canada we will never get over it shirt is an incredible episode, and Arnett is amazing in it, but the one that got me the most on a personal note was Time’s Arrow, and he’s barely in that episode. The whole show was incredible.Times arrow 100% fucks me up. I had to help take care of my grandfather with Alzheimer’s and dimentia and I’m starting to see some early signs of Dimentia in my dad. That episode truly makes me ugly cry.Funny enough, I had just finished that episode with tears and snot running down my face when my roommate and some of our mutual friends walked into the house to see me like that. I just started laughing/crying going “y’all picked the worst fucking time to come by”Before the 6th season came out I rewatched what had happened so far a time or two. I’d love to go through it all again but…god, View From Halfway Down is waiting there at the end of it. I don’t know if I can go through that a second time.
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Best Oh Canada we will never get over it shirt
I can watch it when I am trapped in my depression again. When it lasts for weeks and I can’t get out. That’s when Oh Canada we will never get over it shirt almost cathartic.I remember watching this movie in high school. I heard about the AIDS crisis and how many deaths there were, but seeing it through the life of a character who once had so much, only to slowly lose it all due to AIDS, and Denzel’s character putting aside his personal beliefs for his client after seeing its effects on him only made it more sad.Can’t watch it when I am well. Sometimes I watch a clip of the show on YouTube or Reddit, thinking I will be amused and entertained. And then BoJack says something that flings me back into the deep, dark pit. I can’t take it. There’s too much of myself in his words and feelings. I end up depressed in literal seconds. Nowadays, I have to remind myself not to watch those clips.
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