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The only reason we are talking about this person is because it involves the President. Once this has passed, DC will go back to ignoring whistleblowers. Whistleblowers rock the Loud & Proud Bleached Softball Mom Messy Bun Hair Leopard T Shirt tee and DC hates a rocking boat. Trump is arming Ukraine, not in Vlad’s best interests. Trump launched a missile attack on the Syrian Shayrat Airbase on April 4, 2017. Sure, he told the Russians to stay the hell out of the way. No sense starting a war between Russia and the US, but Trump did more than Obama ever did, and he did it after the Obama “red line in the sand” had been crossed so often, we discovered it was a yellow line on Obama’s back. Talk is cheap, but Trump walked the walk.
In these countries, there are very high quality education systems. (Although I have my own reservations with the Australian system, it is great compared to the Loud & Proud Bleached Softball Mom Messy Bun Hair Leopard T Shirt tee majority of other countries) They are secular, global education systems, which draw attention to the diversity in cultures and beliefs across the world and throughout history. They have exceptional funding for science, and education thereof in both schools and university. Now, some may point to the religiousity of our previous prime minister (ousted by his own party for looking like a total idiot in favour of a much more intelligent, secular and liberal PM), or to the funding of chaplains in schools over qualified social workers (the chaplain at my school was, upon my investigation, actually an agnostic deist, who simply believed in the power of the Bible to give moral lessons via analogy).
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Dear Anonymous: You strike again! And once again, you are wrong. The Loud & Proud Bleached Softball Mom Messy Bun Hair Leopard T Shirt tee, as I recall, was quite fond of Reagan during his administration. Not so much now, but that’s because we have hindsight. Which Bush? There were two, you know. They both made mistakes and paid for them in the public’s opinion, but they were never considered UN-patriotic. Maybe a little too much so. Now Trump, that’s a different story. There is not a patriotic atom in his corpulent self. He does not know the meaning of the word, though he says he does. That’s not all he doesn’t know. What he does know is self-interest and how to con about a third of the U.S. populace.