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Fast Passe Plus (digital Fast Passes) are bookable 60 days out if you are staying on property. Again, you want to avoid those queues? Plan. Get the Walt Disney World app for your phone, and I’m Not A Gynecologist But I Know A Cunt When I See One T Shirt spend some time looking at a) what you want to experience and b) how long those waits typically are. Then get your FP+ for the things you really want to experience that often have long waits. Get to the parks early. A lot of people are there for rope drop too, but a lot more arrive in the first hour or two the parks are open. Enjoy that time, and hit attractions during the slower morning period. If you are staying on property definitely take advantage of the morning Extra Magic Hours, where you get in before guests who are not staying on property, but if you have park hopper tickets, be ready to move to a different park, as the Extra Magic Hours can make the parks busier earlier once the official opening happens.
The only reason we are talking about this person is because it involves the President. Once this has passed, DC will go back to ignoring whistleblowers. Whistleblowers rock the I’m Not A Gynecologist But I Know A Cunt When I See One T Shirt and DC hates a rocking boat. Trump is arming Ukraine, not in Vlad’s best interests. Trump launched a missile attack on the Syrian Shayrat Airbase on April 4, 2017. Sure, he told the Russians to stay the hell out of the way. No sense starting a war between Russia and the US, but Trump did more than Obama ever did, and he did it after the Obama “red line in the sand” had been crossed so often, we discovered it was a yellow line on Obama’s back. Talk is cheap, but Trump walked the walk.
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There had been a I’m Not A Gynecologist But I Know A Cunt When I See One T Shirt since the founding of this great republic. How powerful would the federal government be? There were and still are good arguments for either. although in the 21st century those arguments hold much less weight than they did in the 19thcentury —yes I am speaking to Texas Repug Allen West and to Cal-exit. Neither have a chance in heck of success as the “red” states would be bankrupt the day after they were independent since they take more federal money than they contribute. Basically red states are freeloaders which is why “blue” states that are more financially responsible want to secede or encourage the freeloaders to secede.
Coupled with that, the Senate is controlled by Republicans, who, petrified of offending Trump’s base, have demonstrated a I’m Not A Gynecologist But I Know A Cunt When I See One T Shirt to eat glass over performing their constitutional duties in the oversight of a corrupt, racist and incompetent president who, the longer he maintains his grip over the GOP establishment, threatens to tear the country even further apart in homage to his own delusions of grandeur. In two years Donald Trump has set back decades of social justice, devastated the professional federal civil service, undermined America’s long-standing alliances, wrecked the American-led global economic system, undermined the fight against global warming, and championed inhuman and barbarous immigration policies that treat poor migrants, desperate to come to the United States for a better life, as vermin. And that includes their US-born children, who are, of course, US citizens.